Thursday, March 29, 2012

Earth Hour

Its been some time since we last updated our club blog! :D We will be updating more through our Facebook page and through here, our blog, so please look forward to it!

This Saturday, the whole world will be celebrating Earth Hour (from 8:30pm till 9:30pm), but what exactly is Earth Hour?

The first ever Earth Hour was celebrated in Australia in 2007, when WWF Australia inspired Sydney-siders to show their support for climate change action in the world. The event showed that even CEOs and normal people like us have power to save the world.

in 2008, Earth Hour was planned to take the rest of Australia. But then city of Toronto, Canada signed up, and it wasn't long before 35 countries and 400 cities and towns were part of the event. 

When the invitation to "switch off" your lights extended to everyone, Earth Hour has since then became an annual global event.

Last year (2011), Earth Hour saw hundreds of millions of people across 135 countries switch off for an hour. But it also marked the start of something new, "60+",which means going beyond the hour. And through social networks this year, Earth Hour hopes to attract even more participation.

Well, the question is, how are we going to celebrate Earth Hour? Since one of the main ideas of Earth Hour is to "go beyond the hour", here's what EVERYONE can do: Do go beyond the hour. Just because its from 8:30 to 9:30, it doesn't mean you have to stop there. Or maybe even starting earlier. The main point is that that one second that you spend with your lights off not only means that you're aware of climate change, power shortage and all that, but it also means that you're DOING something about it. :D

lesson that i realised:
Don't wait for tomorrow.
Don't wait for next week.
Don't wait for next month.
Don't even wait for Earth Hour.

:) our club's gonna try and organize an Earth Hour for our school ourselves, and if we get to do it, we'll update. POI LAM HIGH, ROAR ROAR ROAR! :D

written by Leo Eros

info source:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

busy busy busy!

whew! there's gonna be a lot of upcoming events for us -__- here are some of them:

25th Aug: Car Wash
28th Aug: 32nd Joint Installation for Region 5 & 6
8th Sept: Breathe (Healthcare Project - health checks and talks in the school hall)
10th Sept: Energizing the Elderly (Social Services Project- an excursion to Daybreak daycare centre)
15th Sept: Seed of Hope (Environmental Services Project)
17th Sept: Light of the Moon (Public Relationships Project - mooncake celebration with orphans)
24th Sept: Leo Club of Poi Lam High Anniversary

WOW we have a lot lined up! hope everything gets approved by our school principal! everything becomes successful! and our hair won't turn gray organizing and attending these! >< 


Monday, August 22, 2011

PLHS Leos @ Sponsoring Lions Club Installation

on the 21st of August, our club helped and attended our sponsoring Lions Club's 32nd Installation. We didn't get to take any pictures with the Lions though :( Lions from Taiwan and Thailand also attended the function which was at Overseas Restaurant. 5 of us attended :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Hello everybody, Leo Eros here! :D I am the Leo Club of Poi Lam High School's incoming 2nd Vice President for the fiscal year 2011/2012, and from now on, i'll be in charge of updating our club blog! (not because i online too much ><)

Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2011

(from left to right) top: Leo Chen Bao Feng, Leo Chew Soo Jun, Leo Tan Zheng Yi, Leo Kong Yong Hui, Leo Mok Kher Wei, Leo Ten Yu Xuan
bottom: Leo Sim Sau Wei, Leo Eros Erfe, Leo Edmond Lau Teng Fong, Faculty Advisor Mr. Loke Wai Chuan, Leo Chai Meng Ni, Leo Hew Jia Yee

President: Leo Edmond Lau Teng Fong
1st Vice President: Leo Chai Meng Ni
2nd Vice President: Leo Eros Yvano I. Erfe
Secretary: Leo Sim Sau Wei
Asst. Secretary: Leo Mok Kher Wei
Treasurer: Leo Hew Jia Yee
Asst. Treasurer: Leo Tan Zheng Yi
Environmental Chairperson: Leo Ho Zhen Yang
Healthcare Chairperson: Leo Leong Kor Kah
Social Chairperson: Leo Kong Yong Hui
School Services Chairperson: Leo Chew Soo Jun
Membership Chairperson: Leo Chen Bao Feng
Information Technology & Public Relationships Chairperson: Leo Ten Yu Xuan
Fund Raising Chairperson: Leo Lai Wen Xin

Since most of us BODs are in form 3 and new, we're kind of struggling with how we should operate our club. But don't worry, we will do our best and we hope for your kind support and encouragement. =] *90 degrees bow*


since we have not been actively updating for some time, i will now have a quick rundown of what our club has recently been up to:

1. Lions Club of Ipoh Central Blood Donation, Ipoh Parade, Perak, January 8 2011

2. Lions Club of IMNC 5th Anniversary, Tower Regency, January 22 2011

3. International President's Banquet, Equatorial Hotel, Penang, February 19 2011

The Lions Club of Ipoh Meto sponsored our outgoing Environmental Chairperson Leo Lim Wei Yik, who represented our club and met the President, Sid Scruggs, his wife and other Lions and Leos.

4. 38th Multiple District 308B2 Leo Forum 2011, ZON Regency by the Sea, Johor Bahru, May 28-30 2011

Our club received a total of 16 awards including Top Vice President for Leo Chong Chi Cheng and Top Environmental Chairperson for Leo Lim Wei Yik!

5. Fellowship Night with MD301 Philippines President, Leo Raissa Laurel, Fair Park Hotel, June 17 2011

6. Lions Club of Ipoh Central (our sponsoring Lions Club) Thanksgiving Anniversary, July 7 2011

7. Poi Lam High School Sports Day 2011, July 10 2011

8. Poi Lam High School Education Fair, Poi Lam High School Hall, August 13 2011

9. Leo Club of Ipoh Unity 9th Anniversary, Fair Park Hotel, August 14 2011

Our pride, Leo Chong Chi Cheng, Top VP for 2010/2011, has now joined the Leo Club of Ipoh Unity! On this day, Japanese Youth Exchange Leos Yuki Matsuda and Misato Iyo also attended the function!

well, that's it for now. remember to stay tuned to us!